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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018

Approaches to Career Assessment in Latin America

Authors: Amilkar A. Brunal [1] . Red latinoamericana de Profesionales de la Orientación (RELAPRO) And Alberto Puertas [2] (NCDA) Correspondence concerning this article can be directed to Amilkar Brunal.Cra 7 at N ° 55-20. Bogota Colombia. Contact: E-mail:   And Alberto Puertas, Provo, Utah. Contact: Email: Approaches in Career Assessment in Latin America Summary This chapter presents a recent overview of Career assessment, known in Latin America as Vocational, Professional and/or Occupational counseling and guidance. In some countries such as: Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, it is used as scientific references:   Latin American Journal of counseling, guidance and Human Development: "Orientation" N ° 3 (2017), Mexican Journal of counseling and guidance and other relevant documents. Identified in these documents are the Informational approach, Philosophical-Existential App...