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Approaches to Career Assessment in Latin America
Authors: Amilkar A. Brunal[1]. Red latinoamericana de Profesionales de la Orientación (RELAPRO)
And Alberto Puertas[2](NCDA)

Correspondence concerning this article can be directed to Amilkar Brunal./RELAPRO. Cra 7  N ° 155-20. Bogota Colombia. Contact: E-mail: 
And Alberto Puertas, Provo, Utah. Contact: Email:

Approaches in Career Assessment in Latin America Summary
This chapter presents a recent overview of Career assessment, known in Latin America as Vocational, Professional and/or Occupational counseling and guidance in some countries such as: Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. We used as scientific references:  Latin American Journal of counseling, guidance and Human Development: "Orientation" N ° 3 (2017), Mexican Journal of counseling and guidance(RE.M.O) and other relevant documents. There are identified in these documents several approaches such as  the Informational approach, Philosophical-Existential Approach, the Psychological Approach, the Pedagogical approach, the Sociological approach, and Studies of Demand on Superior education. These approaches are presented some times of complementarity way in the same proposal. Concepts of Counselling/Guidance, Sociological Elements, Ontological Philosophical Elements,Psychological Elements are identified in each proposal.
External Looks at Counseling in Latin America

            In my travels throughout Latin America, I have been exposed to the different realities facing counseling in this new millennium. Achievements are laudable and the challenges are enormous. The challenges are accentuated because Latin America is not homogeneous. Countries are united by language and by similar cultural patterns and ancestral experiences and even faith schemes. However, we are strongly divided between borders, by histories, politics, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and national interests. Counseling, as a profession is also not immune to the lack of uniformity.  The United States, which extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, has the strategic benefit of geographic and political balance to promote Counseling within all the states. The European Union presents a coherent model, in which different nations have established congruence in terms of guidance. However, there are still dilemmas in the different countries that make up the Union. The nations of Eastern Europe do not enjoy this scheme because they are not part of the EU. I would like to emphasize the hard and pharaonic work of many Hispanic colleagues who, with impetus and perseverance, give themselves to the profession, most without having the resources at hand that facilitate their functions. I will outline some points of subjective appreciation of Counseling in Latin America:

Counseling as a learning discipline
With certain exceptions, Counseling is confined within the framework of psychology in most Latin American countries. There is no general view within the curriculum framework in higher education of the different nations to include Counseling as a singular discipline. Counseling presents a draft of life project that goes beyond the vocational genesis, which initiated the discipline in the world. Psychology, as a science, does not encompass the semantics that Counseling presents and offers at present.

Guidance and Public Policy
There is a need for the promotion of Counseling within the political framework of the different ministries of education and others which are relevant around the continent. There is no concrete promotion within the national political platform of Counseling in Latin America. There are unnecessary bureaucratic impediments due to the indifference on the part of the policy makers to Counseling. The participation of the State is crucial to place Counseling as a priority within the socio-political sphere of any nation.
Guidance and psychometric assessments
            There is an emphasis or dependence on the part of many professionals on the use of psychometric instruments as a primordial answer to the vocational and Counseling dilemmas of the populations to whom services are provided. Psychometric evaluations respond to the movement of scientific methodology emphasized in the 60s and 70s when society was perceived in a linear way. We know that the only constant in the 21st century is "change". There are many Counseling trends that fit the needs of these new generations. For example, the theories of Constructivism (Mark Savickas) and that of Chaos (Jim Bright) are innovative proposals of Counseling that cross borders and cultures. Emphasis is transposed to the individual as the author of their life design and not as a measure of a processed evaluation.
Counseling and Technology
Technology presents opportunities that were unimaginable to previous generations. Guidance as a profession has benefited from the transmission of information immediately to those who use it and need it. However, there is a tendency to replace the counselor as a professional with impersonality and digital coldness and with the use of the internet. This phenomenon is not exclusive to Counseling as an occupation. However, the development of the personalized relationship of the advisor and the individual is irreplaceable. Hispanic America has in its anthropological structure the benefit of millenarian cultures that still emphasize the importance of community and benefit in group. Culture highlights the value of human relations in all sectors including Counseling in Latin American countries.

Guidance and Globalization
Due to the drastic changes of globalization in the world, the vocabulary and vision of the Counseling must adjust to the demands of a new century. We speak of lifelong learning in the academic world, and we speak of global citizens and workers in the occupational world. Within Counseling the term of life design is being used. In Hispano-America we can no longer speak of careers limited to local geography as in the past. Moreover, an individual from Paraguay competes with that of India, Nigeria, China, etc. The approach goes beyond the occupational angle. Career is defined as a totality of life experiences where occupation is a fragment of that totality (Super).

Counseling and Society
            It is the responsibility of the counselor to correctly elevate his occupation and the benefit he brings to the society where he exercises his functions. Latin American society needs to be informed of the important role Guidance plays in the shaping of future generations. Establishing partnerships, collegial bodies, and work teams is fundamental to the promotion of the profession. The populist policy of many Latin American countries tends to follow the mass of numbers of possible votes. If parents, young people, and counselors establish a united front, it will be possible to see changes.

The future is challenging and therefore encouraging for Counseling in Hispanic America. Conferences such as those promoted by the  Latin-American Network of  Professionals of Guidance  (RELAPRO) in 2017, are a sign of the desire to join efforts and establish common goals in a Latin America that needs it so much. In accordance with all these statements Di Domenico and Villanova have stated:
The vocational counseling then discusses its own epistemic space, its place in the worlds of education and work, the ways of its institutional insertion and its links with ideological and political interests. Without discussing their relevance, there are still problems that are detestable already in the origins and born, mainly, of the cultural and professional heterogeneity of their territory. Latin America is also home to these disciplinary problems, which have been accentuated by political disruptions, by its educational systems in consolidation, by the precariousness of its economies and by its persistent social asymmetries. Villanova (2000)

Generalities of Counseling  in Latin America.

With the purpose of clearly presenting the reference topic ,it is necessary to consider the diversity of strategic actions that counselors in Latin America are developing, as evidenced bythe answers to the second question of  the Sixth Latin American counseling  survey. “strategies what you have used that have left a footprint applied  by the "OrientAcción" journal team in 2017 (see next  table) and developed between [08/15/2016 -11/03/2017]

Country where you work as counselor
Active listening, operative interview, vocational desiderativo, completion of sentences, values
Community approach.
My model that I call "Holistic Approach centered on the person" is very positive because from an existential humanistic perspective, based on Carl Rogers, I integrate resources and strategies from an integrative epistemology that I describe in my texts.
Dynamics of groups in career planning
Design of an Adult Counseling Service model in "Liceo Humanístico-Científico y Técnico Profesional."
Rethinking basic values.
Understanding of discipline and citizenship - civic education.
Delivery of knowledge from constructivism.
Create support networks for universities, health services, schools.
Guide for the entrance to universities and professional institutes, constantly motivate the students and their families for personal improvement, motivate classroom teachers and guardian tutors in values towards the family. Etc.
School coexistence program
The approach of school situations involving parents and caregivers, through the signing of commitments and coffee gatherings, which are dialogues of learning and commitment for parents, there they are the protagonists and articulators of the development processes with their children
Sex Education Program (The girl in the red jacket.)
Listen and believe the student, make participant observations, follow due process, have confidentiality and reservation with the information they tell me, attend to the parents despite not being programmed. Show affection, affection and confidence, give a hug, something as simple as laughing and smiling, use the sense of humor, play, sit, eat, walk, dance with students, remember names -not surnames- be very observant, participate in their classes, be in class occasionally, give example of integrity, be authentic and spontaneous, include them in the decisions of any activity, avoid judging parents or students, take note of what they express (field type daily), systematize and socialize then with the entire school community, write and disseminate by some means situations and cases related to guidance, design formats and instruments for measuring and collecting information, share them and encourage the exchange of knowledge with my colleagues.
(Design and implement) pedagogical routes with teachers of basic education.
Work with mothers heads of family
Neurolinguistic programming in the accompaniment of School Orientation, talents and creativity in multiple intelligences, for the improvement of school performance.
 Participatory Action Research (IAP) as a means of youth participation in intervention processes.
Strengthening of the Family School program
Counseling, experiential pedagogy and networking.
Project of vocational guidance and life plans.
Institutional preparation of formats. Narrative Youtube Channel Participatory Management Model, Intervention model in care strengthening.
Team work with teachers and students. support from external institutions
Be always available to listen and guide students.
Organize support committees among students to minimize bullying, with an action plan.
Workshop on prevention for teachers, parents and students, to achieve good coexistence.
Work with parents, in Life projects, orientation towards children in their horizon for life, advice in academic and Convivial in the Educational Community, the execution of welfare in all areas Personal, Family, Social, Spiritual, Professional, Health and economic .
Gloria Estela Forero Fresneda
Articulation of transversal projects involving all educational actors
Efren Agudelo Escobar
Lead professional practices with a project aimed at regular students in grades 3, 4 and 5 of primary school. Construction and implementation of the parents' school.
Professionally planned and structured vocational guidance process judiciously.
The sincerity and the delivery to each of the cases handled
School of parents, handling of child abuse in the educational institution, proposal of education for sexuality.
Promote the emotional intelligence with whom I have worked, never forgetting that respect for the other allows an objective performance. Work in an integral way in the daily life of the student population taking into account that the theory is valuable but more so are the human beings.
Patricia Calambás
Yoga sessions to strengthen relaxation attention, anti stress sessions with teachers remission of situations of intra-family violence.
  follow up accompaniment of social service students issues of parent school and external support in the workshops support students with mild learning difficulties and offer tools to improve self-esteem and confidence
Gladys Gómez
Celebration of the Week of Good Treatment, Resignification of the Manual of Coexistence, Articulation of teaching work for Inclusion and work with students with Special Needs.
Mariam Folleco
Friendly and coherent treatment with the community.
María Teresa Sierra Corredor
Teamwork with teachers.
Gloria Aranguren
Have an organized folder of the actions they perform, as it helps to provide feedback. Teamwork.
Practice of "SKILLS FOR LIFE" and practice of "HEALTHY LIFESTYLES" in Primary and Sixth Grade.
Work integrally from the very beginning of the lesson period
Continuity of the processes.
Help young people in the search for their life project.
Individual accompaniment, "Be yourself" campaign to promote belonging and identity to the educational center
Orientation lessons with different themes, coexistence to favor teamwork.
Be a professional who listens.
Treat people as beings with rights and duties.
  Being a professional that every day makes the human being choose their professional future and from Orientation we provide the tools you need for that choice.
Individualized attention, monitoring of graduates, group work-
Psychotherapeutic processes
Preparation of projects and use of group dynamics with students.
Individualized and group accompaniment.
We do not have a systematic record, but I think that some group tutoring actions with high school students have been very pleasant experiences for me, and the students have also reported positive experiences.
Methodology of the Educational Guidance Service.
Methodology of the Educational Guidance Service....
Apply the system of tasks in the work in pairs and / or groups when directing professional or vocational guidance during the professional teaching practice assumed by university students from the first cycle of the professional career.
The planning of intervention programs in different educational topics, human development and vocational. The completion of the forum of graduates, monitoring that led to each of the students with academic problems.
Generate the integral development of students using their own experiences
Research related to the support of students in a broad sense, which contribute to educational continuity.
Care for the unemployed population through the public employment network
Coordination of vocational guidance workshops with adolescents. Participatory dynamics and work with parents.
Cooperative work in the field of educational and vocational guidance. The tutorials between students.
Training of facilitators for parents' school.
care of women victims of violence, family therapy.
Vocational orientation talks / Second hand uniform donations.
Pedagogical cafe / seeding values workshop with parents
Mainly, the serenity is indispensable at the moment of approaching any situation, without judging and knowing how to listen to him or the protagonists. I have obtained good results with finger puppets, mini stories and dialog circles.
The use of the diary and autobiography as a co-constructive story
Attention to fathers and mothers of children with functional diversity through a family orientation program.
Drawing technique and empathy
Meetings with Student Preparers; Human Rights Campaign: Murals, Parrot blasting, cultural space, tour through agroecological school; Health circuits: detection of visual, odontological, nutritional and other deficiencies; Ecological Preventive Rally; realization of micro radials with the use of canaima [Canaima is a project of the Bolivarian Government that aims to support the comprehensive education of girls and boys, by providing a school laptop with educational content to teachers and students of the subsystem of primary education conformed by national, state, municipal, autonomous and private schools subsidized by the State] with students, realization of vocational videos with the use of canaima, carried out by students; Theater meeting with stable groups of culture; Simultaneous activities with teacher guides and students in the Guidance and Coexistence time; Agroecological Meeting with  “All Hands to Sow Program”, Pedagogical Parade for Human Rights.
Basically make use of the humanist approach, focused on the client. Conscious listening
The accompaniment process aimed at families, the group session of family members is an experience that has allowed me to help adults in the identification of life dynamics and habits that do not favor coexistence in the home.
1. . Sensitization and awareness raising strategies.
2. Intervention program in personal development and social skills for students with disabilities.
3. Theoretical-experiential workshops (personal development)
Flor María Molina
Strategies under cognitive behavioral, constructivist, humanistic, managerial approaches. Prevention work based on the premises of the student's needs and goals. Incentives for the rescue of reading. Life project for the achievement of personal goals and objectives.
Xiomara Rojas
*creation of the juvenile research and guidance center (cioju28). Mainly works on issues related to sexuality
* creation of the School Response Brigade (BRE28) first aid brigade.
Carlos Alberto Vargas
Meetings of parents, advisory students, institutional socio-cultural meetings with projection towards the community. Growth workshops from the initial education, vocational workshops from the primary. Community meetings for the integration and strengthening of family relationships ... coexistence, work tables, talks...
Cleidy La Rosa
La Cartelera del éxito, programa peces, escuela para padres, caricias positivas y autoestima por Virginia Satir, proyecto de vida, PNL, Inteligencias múltiples, entre otras.
Luz Daniela Ghersi Millán
Individual and group counseling (concierge), Experiential workshops, interviews, talks.
Beatriz Maygualida Lanz Gibbs
1. Writing (32 published books). 2.-Formation of Counselors at Postgraduate level: a.- I wrote and presented at the Assembly in Caracas the Master's degree in Orientation that was later applied at the UPEL-Maracay. b.- I worked in the postgraduate courses of Guidance and Masters of the Universities: b.l.- Pedagogical Libertador, in Caracas, Maturín and Maracay. b.2.- Simón Bolívar University, in Caracas. c.3.- University of Carabobo. ). 3.- Training of counselors, guidance teachers and extension level advisors: a.-Universities: Pedagogical Libertador. Simon Bolivar. Zulia UDO ULA Carabobo b.- Other institutions: Technological, INCE, and various private companies. 4.-Training of leaders in orientation in most of the institutions already mentioned. 5.-Training for peace, family, creativity and use of the mind since 1959.
Carmen Gamargo Lagonell (Maracay-Venezuela)
Motivation to achievement
Eney Rafael Silveira Morales
The conversation and the questions that invite reflection
Ana María Rojas Melo
motivational program to counteract procrastination
Vanessa Isabel Henríquez Noronha
Workshops for parents, teachers and students
Miosotis Belmonte Del Castillo











1. Mexico. The study for the demand for access to higher education approach

Rubén Gutiérrez Gómez; María de los Ángeles Carmona Zepeda and Mónica Garduño Suárez. (2015) represent this approach in his paper: "The profiles of the students of the high school of the UNAM: longitudinal study 2007-2012":
Sociological Elements
From this perspective, the increase in the interest of the Latin American middle class in accessing higher education is studied (result of the 1968 student movement according to the authors). The actions of professional counseling have focused on informing the student about the different higher education options. The evaluation of these actions seeks to define appropriate strategies of educational counseling and academic tutoring that positively impact the lives of students   in terms of the possible socio-economic personal and the development of their families and communities.
2.      Informational Approach.
In this approach, the direct actions of the counselors are based on the use of information and communication technologies(mainly those of easy access in a digital / online way), aimed primarily at students and /or populations not schooled for alternative visuals for their "future education and work projects". Online interaction alternatives with professional counselors are also offered at different points in the orientation process. It is presented as an experience representative of this model of the University of Buenos Aires, presented at the International Counseling Conference in this capital in April 2017:
            Argentina. Network Counseling. (2017) Technical Direction Student Orientation Program (DOE) University of Buenos Aires - Secretariat for Academic Affairs - Undersecretariat for Academic Coordination, - Technical Department Student Orientation Program (DOE) Paula Quattrocchi, Alejandra Elisa García, Natalia García Morillo, Adriana Mazza .
Concept of Counselling/Guidance
In this proposal, the usefulness of virtual communities in Vocational and Occupational counseling is described. New intervention styles are introduced that describe the ways in which information and communication technologies are implemented, such as collaborative work and forums within an orientation process. The role of the vocational psychologist is addressed as the facilitator of the collaborative counseling process. Social networks and their relation to access to information are presented as a resource in the field. This contribution aims to provide innovative practices in the field of Vocational Psychology and advice in virtual environments. Through participation in a specially designed virtual environment, counseling psychologists accompany young people to find their way around and learn about their future educational and / or work projects. The new Guidance environments (e-Guidance) aim to exploit the possibilities of Guidance in a context mainstreamed by ICT that locates the Guidance in a broader scenario than in which the subject is located, facilitating the exchange of information among all those involved in the counseling process.

Role of the psychologist in virtual environments

The counselor is responsible for facilitating the process, and the participants are jointly responsible for the maintenance of each community. The role of the counselor in this virtual context is fundamental as it assumes new working modalities. Make a technologically mediated non-contact collaboration. The intersection of ideas and comments, are the responsibility of the supervisor who organizes the contributions according to the objectives of the workshop and the topic that each forum proposes. One of the ways to deepen reflection is the formulation of questions that help participants to explore their opinions, hypotheses and representations, both of the individual and the group. In addition to developing Guidance content, they are assumed as content evaluators. They evaluate and select relevant information for the recipients, which is published on social networks. guaranteeing the reliability and validity of the information sources.
Pedagogical Elements
The development of new communicative and academic competences necessary for the subjects to develop as tools of their future roles as university students is sought. It is thought that the integration of social networks in the virtual activities of counseling in closed environments allows to open and enrich the interaction between the exterior and the interior.

3.      Psychosocial -Educational Approach.

            This approach describes some recent proposals for intervention in Vocational / professional guidance with a clear emphasis on the study of psychosocial factors of academic populations that affect the possibilities of permanence and completion of studies at the level of higher education. Here we find experiences from countries such as Uruguay and Mexico.


3.1. Uruguay. Adolescents, the educational system and the choice of life projects. Elina Goñi, Miguel Carbajal y Gianella Solochiello. Area of Vocational Guidance. Department of Developmental Psychology and Educational. Catholic University. Members of the Counseling Network of Uruguay.

In this proposal, the conditions of the adolescents of Uruguay regarding the construction of their vocational / occupational projects are presented. It refers to adolescents in Montevideo, the capital of the country, which includes half of the population of Uruguay.

Sociological Elements
"The reality of young people in the country is different and heterogeneous, depending on the region or town where they live and their social and economic situation. They must choose an area of interest when they are too young, so they should not only deal with the typical problems of adolescents, but also with the lack of information, family expectations and fear of failure. In order to face this situation, it is proposed to work with adolescents and their families on this topic, to talk about their fears and expectations and to provide basic information. "Considering the cultural division by gender for the races is considered an important factor in the proposal. which affects your choice.
Through the daily work of the counselors as well as their participation in the debates, the awareness is promoted in making decisions about the different curricula, and about the convenience of generating some changes that allow postpone the election. The objective of the counseling in this stage is to clarify these elements which are discussed, reflect and confront, Putting their own prejudices in words, expressing the wishes of the family and verbalizing fears allows them to reduce their anxiety about the choice. This anxiety(according this approach) can sometimes trigger phobic or phobic defense mechanisms that cloud the election process. The aim is to "accompany" the adolescents as part of the Educational Guidance task and to promote the search for pertinent information at this time.

3.2 Mexico .The profile study of secondary school students approach.
Maya Girón Juana Beatriz Maceda Salinas Bonifacio Vuelvas Salazar Bernardo Antonio Muñoz Riveroll María Guadalupe Escamilla Gil.(2014) present in his paper: "The profiles of the students of the High school of the UNAM".
Sociological Elements
The diversity of students at the University is studied by means of the profiles of high school students (UNAM, generation 2011-2012). This approach seeks to study the problem that exists around the retention of students in high school in Mexico. Empirical data are analyzed in each of the designed dimensions: socioeconomic, cultural dimension, a study dimension and vocational learning styles in high school students.
Results of the study: According to the diagnosis presented in the “Integral Program for the Strengthening of the High School of the UNAM (2008)”, these  students are affected by the following problems that the educational counseling must know in depth, analyze and attend: a) Significant deficiencies in the previous training of first-year students;
 b) High failure rate;
c) Rote learning;
d) Deficiencies in communication skills;
e) Lack of a second language;
f) Need to strengthen logical reasoning;
g) Weakness in search strategies, selection and systematization of information;
 h) Little information about autonomous learning skills;
 i) Little training in information and communication technologies;
j) Desertion and low efficiency;
(k) Extensive plans and programs;
l) Need in transversal skills;
m) Support for the professionalization of teachers;
 n) Insufficient focus on the culture and artistic activities (creativity, innovation, transformation).
General recommendations are also presented, such as the following:
The problems presented could not be addressed without a broad and detailed knowledge of secondary school students, from a perspective that allows integrating the multiple aspects that characterize this trajectory, the level of autonomy in learning, citizenship, the process of career choice and the sociocultural context. To generate this knowledge, it is necessary to develop research that provides information on each of these aspects, as well as allowing the understanding and analysis of how these different factors are articulated in high school students.
The same authors present phase II of the study in the Mexican Journal of Educational Guidance. Volume 14 number 33 July-December 2017.

4.      Psychologic Approach.
In this approach, current experiences in counseling intervention are classified based on classical psychological principles, such as: "life trajectories" and transitions (Savickas, Rossier, Dauwalder, Duarte et al., 2009). Here we can find the proposal of the Argentine team of the University "Tres de Febrero" coordinated by Silvia Battle: "Advice in the postgraduate".
Sociological Elements
The Vocational and Occupational Counseling from this approach, proposes to study the interaction with the different contexts of insertion (family, school, work, higher education, among others), considering it fundamental in the construction of life projects and in the development of their career personal, educational and work. It is also proposed to accompany students in the various transitions they must complete throughout their lives and in the construction of their life projects, providing them with tools to face the complexity of the context (Aisenson, 2007, Guichard and Huteau, 2001).
5.      Pedagogical /Organizational Approach
This approach classifies intervention proposals based on methodologies built according to the model of educational counseling programs aimed at specialized teachers in the subject (school counselors) or general education teachers who work in secondary education, who may receive some type of specific training depending on to develop a specific design of activities programmed for this purpose. The Ministry of Education in countries like Ecuador develops this model.

5.1  ECUADOR. Ecuadorian Ministry of Education (2015). Manual of Vocational and Professional Counseling for the Departments of School Counseling.
In this pedagogical approach, professional and vocational guidance (OVP) includes a set of accompanying actions (educational-psychological-social) and counseling (individual and group) aimed at students of an educational institution so that, individually and depending on the self-knowledge and the information available, make appropriate vocational and professional decisions as part of the construction of your life project.
Interdisciplinary Concept of Counseling / Guidance
Based on this pedagogical approach, the guiding process must be carried out from an interdisciplinary point of view: The professionals of the Student Advisory Department: educators, psychologists, social workers, etc., can analyze each situation based on their contributions. disciplines, to enrich the process of each student.
  The School Life Project is understood as: "the plan that a person builds about what he wants to do with his life in the future, to achieve his personal, professional and social objectives". In a framework of autonomy, and freedom that allows you to exercise your decision-making capacity through personalized goals, responsible and adapted to your environment.
The Training Needs of the teachers and / or tutors are also raised, on an orientation model that clarifies the purpose of the tutorial action, to carry out the work for moral development. The MDP model integrates three components: personal self-evaluation, personal vision and personal life plan.
            5.2 Vocational Portfolio. Another pedagogical proposal, with certain specificities related to a specially designed methodology, can be identified in countries like Venezuela and Mexico. This methodology has been referred to as: "Vocational Portfolio of the student or female student" and “Life project folder” in each country. This interesting pedagogical approach is focused on the systematization of the Counseling experiences of the students regarding their own construction of projects of academic life.
            5.2.1  Venezuela. The Venezuelan model proposed by Dr. Gabriel Villa Echeverry, (2012) Echeverry, positioned at the time in a national system of Occupational Guidance is proposed as follows:
                         "The Occupational Guidance understood as a process of accompaniment along the development of the life cycle to enhance the development of the existential life Project
Pedagogical Elements
"... which uses as one of its instruments ... the" Vocational Portfolio of the student or girl student" defined as:" a simple file where documents are stored with vocational information of the student or student, easy ordering of the same and occupies a limited space”.
            5.2.2  Mexico. On the other hand, Berra and Dueñas (2015) of the “Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla”. (BUAP), present in: “Life project folder: an          evaluation       tool.”
Pedagogical Elements
…These students developed a folder called “project life”, which is applicable as a learning and assessment tool that allows the creation of a rich context for participatory training, through the experience of their own self-orientation process. A process that allows them to use the knowledge and management of the different educational tools necessary for career guidance with a view of vocational counseling.
Philosophical Elements
The philosophical elements of this proposal are defined as follows:
"The self-guidance tries to be constructed as a reflective and dialogical experience that allows the students to develop the necessary skills for the management of vocational guidance strategies and techniques. Vocational counseling as part of the educational counseling course is implemented through workshops of experiential self-sufficiency where students of psychology establish a learning of the main strategies and techniques through self-application and self-evaluation. "
Elements related to the Self
In this work, the concept of self-counseling is understood as the possibility for each student to commit to their own orientation process, achieving the necessary competencies for the choice and decision-making with responsibility and maturity (Berra et al. , 2011: 2). In this work, a folder is defined citing Miguel Hernández (in Blanch et al., 2011: 13):
“The folder is a method of teaching, learning and evaluation that consists of the contribution of various productions by the student through which they can judge their abilities in the framework of a discipline or subject of study.”

6. Philosophical-Existential Approach
In this approach, we find some proposals for intervention with a strong emphasis on issues related to the search for the transcendental meaning of life with an existential nature that seek to overcome instrumentalist, psychometric and / or basic informative approaches, considering them necessary but insufficient for the work of vocational counseling. . In the search to take on the subject from existential approaches, highly personalized evaluations of a deep reflexive nature are developed (not only focused on the choice of career but in relation to the construction of life projects in their entirety),various methodologies are assumed that combine pedagogical approaches and psychotherapeutics. 
6.1 Argentina. Sergio Rascovan (2016) Vocational Counseling as a subjective experience
We consider that this proposal represents a more integral approach that contemplates relevant social aspects, a deep psychological analysis and a dynamic pedagogical proposal that articulates these three axes in actions applicable to the realities of Latin American students.

Concept of Counseling / Guidance

In this proposal an interesting articulation between the processes of individual psychotherapeutic orientation, deep socio-economic counseling about the Latin American realities applied through pedagogical methodologies is developed. This approach is based on the study of a type of society that requires subjects to make decisions in certain instances of educational and work routes constructed from personal questions that determine what each person can do at some point in life, certain periods in life they are fundamental to make decisions such as the completion of secondary studies. For this reason, professional guidance processes should promote reflection on questions such as: ¿what do I ask myself at this time?.

Elements related to the Self

From this approach Vocational Guidance is conceived as an ethic centered on the recognition of the potentialities of the subjects, with respect for their singularities, in relation to the lack of precise knowledge about the enigma of life and the vicissitudes of choice. Subjective Vocational Guidance needs to be carried out from a critical perspective, inviting people to think about problems in terms of complex networks, using transdisciplinary logic and promoting specific articulations of sections in the approaches and interventions.

Pedagogical elements

Along with the conceptualization of an "agile, dynamic and creative clinic" in dealing with vocational problems, a toolbox is proposed with resources that help activate the election processes and help the consultant to connect with the problems of the counselor and communicate. Games such as "Very special lottery", "Occupational images", "Professional history", "Survey for parents" and others are described. Its characteristics, its potentialities and the possible forms of intervention by the professional are explained.

            6.2 Argentina. The approach of Resilience in Vocational Guidance.Silvia Gabriela Vázquez.
As counselors, they propose from this approach, to contribute to the reduction of avoidable miss adjustments between expectations and achievements by facilitating a choice according to the aptitudes and interests of each one. And help them face new situations without being overcome by obstacles. They define counseling as "a process of orientation towards the existential phenomenon of the search for meaning and the social construction of life projects" (Brunal, Vázquez, 2016, as an essential task both in the counseling process and in the strengthening of the resilience.

Concept of Counselling/Guidance
Counseling is "a guidance process to the existential phenomenon of the search for meaning and the social construction of life projects" (Brunal, Vázquez, 2016). Developing a life project (P.V) is an essential task both in the Orientation process and in strengthening resilience.
Philosophical elements related to "Being"
This approach is based on philosophical conceptualizations such as those proposed by Frankl (1988) and Vanistendael (2003): the meaning of life as a personal search.According to Frankl (1988) the meaning of life is a personal search and Vanistendael (2003), one of the referents in the field of resilience, includes the PV as part of that meaning. How to imagine a PV if the sense has not been found? How can we find the meaning of life if we do not imagine a project in it? It is a circle that can be vicious or virtuous.

Concept of Counselling/Guidance
Counseling is not limited to informing. It is imperative to promote a dialogue that calls for introspection and recognition of possible obstacles. The resilience approach in O.V that I have been building and putting into practice during the last 15 years is characterized by being: clinical, preventive and operative. Clinical, because it recognizes the oriented people  as a single-builder of their choice, and is based on an attitude of listening and dialogue. Preventive, because it pursues objectives that can fit in the strategy of PHC (Primary health care). And Operative because it tries to raise and eventually solve in a focused way the problem that underlies the choice.
This approach is complemented using projective and even psychometric tools. However, its main technique is the open interview and it is conceived as a strategy that aims at metacognition and strengthen the resilient state of the person who chooses.

6.3 Venezuela. The Sense of life in Vocational Counseling. A look from the Logotherapy.Aleyda Rios (,2017).

Philosophical elements related to "Being"

 This paper reports on the practical applications of empathic interpersonal encounters, in which the person-centered counselor "seeks to help the development of their potentialities in situations of crisis or need for discernment, to reach self-discovery, trust and acceptance of self, And the free development of his person, respecting his paradigm or the conception of life and man "(Milan, 2011).This author presents the importance of the formation of the counsellor, (...) in the personal aspect that allows him to "link" and meet the other. I find it understood as being with one another in the present; a present that is totally seasoned from the past and carries within it the possibility of the future. (Binswanger, 1973, quoted in Milan,2011).


6.4 Colombia. Transitional Counseling. In the article: "The Look for Happiness, the search for meaning. An Existential Approach to Vocational and Socio-Occupational Counseling ". The psychologist Amilkar A. Brunal, proposes the concept of "Transitional Counseling", as an approach to develop the professional and socio-professional guidance at moments of transition to the interior of the academic life from the transitions of the academic world and towards the trajectories of the environment of work.
According to  this proposal, the educational cycles are interpreted as transitional spaces and the life projects as transitional objects in themselves associated with specific transitional objects (certifications that legitimize the transitions between the academic world and the formal work world) validated socially in transitional events ( graduation ceremonies).
Pedagogical Elements.
This proposal offers various methodologies to study transitional events of an academic and socio-labor type, designing reflection-action spaces on the main transitions from the academic world to the working world, studying each one of the factors that affect life trajectories. It is proposed the application of methods such as: critical analysis of the social, academic and occupational discourse of contemporary society, methods for school development in its personal, academic and psychosocial dimensions and analytical methods of personal self-knowledge such as the one called "Existential Matrix" ":

Psychological Elements
 This proposal offers a methodology to study the Transitional events of academic and socio-occupational type and to construct spaces of reflection-action on the main transitions of the academic world towards the labor world, studying each one of the factors that affect the life trajectories. We propose the application of methods such as: Critical analysis of the social, academic, and occupational discourse of contemporary society analytical methods of personal self-knowledge, and methods for school development in its personal, academic, and psychosocial dimensions.
Pedagogical Elements

 This proposal offers several methodologies to study transitional events of an academic and socio-labor type, designing reflection-action spaces on the main transitions from the academic world to the working world, studying each one of the factors that affect life trajectories. It is proposed the application of methods such as: critical analysis of the social, academic and occupational discourse of contemporary society, methods for school development in its personal, academic and psychosocial dimensions and analytical methods of personal self-knowledge such as the one called "Existential Matrix":

Table 1.Existential Questions Matrix


[To be/Belong] BEING


·         What should I do?
·         How should I do?

What Should I I Have?
·         • Where should I live?
·         • Where should  II belong?
·         • With whom do II have to be?

Who Should I Be?



·         What I want to do?
·         How do I want to do?

What do I wantt to have?
• Where do I want to be?
• Where do I want to belong?
With whom do I want to be?
Who I want to be?


•              What I can do?
How do I want to do?

What can II have?
• Where can I live?
• Where can I I belong?
With whom can I I be?

Who Can I Be?

Berra Bortolotti & M, J; Dueñas. F (2015). Life project folder: an             evaluation       tool. In            Revista mexicana de Orientación (REMO). Vol. XII Número         28, enero-junio           2015. PP 42-47. Retrieved from:
Buelvas, B. (2003) Object and Direction of Educational Counseling. In Revista Mexicana         de Orientación (3-4 ,10-12). Retrieved Fromm: 2003.pdf
Ecuadorian Ministry of Education (2015). Manual of Vocational and Professional       Counseling for the Departments of School Counseling. Retrieved from:
Maya Girón Juana Beatriz; Maceda Salinas Bonifacio; Vuelvas Salazar Bernardo Antonio;         Muñoz Riveroll María Guadalupe Escamilla Gil. (2014) Los perfiles de los             estudiantes del bachillerato de la UNAM. In Revista Mexicana de orientación:      General, 11-18. Vol. XI Número 27, Julio-diciembre 2014.   
Hernández, J. G. (2004). Towards a characterization of the crisis and the tasks of            Counseling in the new century. In Revista Mexicana de orientación: General, 11-18.        Retrieved Fromm:
Hernández, J.G; Magaña.H, Vargas, Muñoz, B, Pineda. A (2003). Guía de          Orientación     Professional Ocupacional del Estado de Michoacán: Con Fundamentos             en las   Competencias y los sectores Ocupacionales. In Revista Mexicana            de        Orientación                 N° 0. Retrieved Fromm:         2003.pdf

Latin American Journal of Counselling and Human Development: "OrientAcción".
Number 3 (2017). Retrieved from:  
Latin American Journal of Counselling and Human Development: "OrientAcción".
Number 4 (2017). Retrieved from:
Peruvian Ministry of Education (2013) Counselling Model for the Personal Development of      the Student - MDP Vocational Counseling - Handbook for Tutors. Direction of           Mentoring and Educational Orientation. Ministry of Education. Retrieved from:
 Revista Orientación Educacional (2017). Retrieved Fromm:

Elizabeth Cabrera Valadez, Yaralin Aceves Villanueva. (2017). La influencia de la         Orientación Vocacional: El futuro de los jóvenes de bachillerato. In Revista Espíritu    Científico en Acción. SEE. Baja California. Año 13 N° 25. Enero-       Junio.2017.Retrieved             from:            pirituaccion/Archivos/25/REVISTA%20ECA%20No%2025.pdf

Villa, G. Portafolio Vocacional del alumno o alumna. Editorial de la universidad del Zulia,


[1] Amilkar A. Brunal.Psychologist. 1992. University Foundation "Konrad Lorenz". Specialist in Educational Orientation and Human Development. "El Bosque" University 2002Master in Interdisciplinary Social Research. University Francisco Jose de Caldas". 2008. Director of the Latin American Network of Counsellors Professionals (RELAPRO) [2016-2018]. Educational counselor assigned to the secretary of education of Bogotà since 1994

[2] Alberto Puertas, MS, GCDF
Alberto Puertas is an academic and career counselor for Brigham Young University's University Advisory Center. His responsibilities include: serving as an International Specialist Adviser on campus; teaching courses in career strategies, career exploration and effective learning; supervising students at risk and collaborating with the University in promoting career development topics and objectives. Alberto adds to his academic work his service as Director of the Advisory Board of the BYU Hispanic Management Society Chapter and his role as a Mentor of the Student Association of the Andean country of BYU.

[3] RESULTS ANALYSIS IV Latin American Survey of Educational Guidance. Developed between [08/15/2016 -11/03/2017]].Latin American Network of Guidance Professionals (Relapro). Retrieved from


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