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International Comparative Study of School-Based Counseling Models


(Popov & Carey)

January 30, 2023

Draft 8,14,2023 JCC


Several countries have developed formal models of school-based counseling that are supported by professional associations and government education ministries as an policy lever to improve practice (Morshed and Carey, 2020). This project is the first international comparative project to study these models.  The project will collect written models that are endorsed by professional groups of school-based counselors and/or governmental education agencies.


Project Goals:


To understand the similarities and differences in formal school-based counseling models elaborated in different countries.


To understand how contextual factors influence differences in the models.


To understand the strengths and limitations of using formal models as a policy lever to improve proactive.


To generate suggestions to improve formal model development and use.


Research Process:


Because the evaluation of models in context requires a deep understanding of the practice of school-based counseling and the nature of policy within each country, expert researchers in each country will be needed, Popov and Carey will serve as Principal Investigators and coordinate the work of the local expert s


The PIs will identify teams countries in which formal models of school-based counseling have been developed, adopted, and (hopefully) evaluated. These countries include Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Malta, Philippines, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Wales, and the USA. Other countries may be included if there is a written model has been endorsed by a professional group of school-based counselors and/or by a governmental education agency (e.g. Ministry or Department of Education).


The PIs will recruit research in each of these countries through BCES and ISPRESC.


The PIs and Research Team will:

·         Review and all models.

·         Collect and categorize models.

·         Document how models were developed implemented and evaluated.

·         Develop a comparative framework to describe the dimensions along which models and their associated practices differ.

·         Evaluate their own countries model using this framework with a focus on the extent to which the model promotes effective practice within their particular context.

·         Participate in cross-team dialogue to summarize results, conclusions, implications, and recommendations.


Expected Results:


·         Understanding of similarities and contextual differences in the nature of models.

·         Identification of the strengths and weaknesses associated with the use of formal models to improve practice.

·         Identification of the strengths and weaknesses associated with the use of formal models to improve counselor education.

·         Understanding of the similarities and contextual differences in effective model implementation and use as a policy lever.

·         Identification of unanticipated negative consequences of using formal models as a policy lever.



Project Timing:


Collaborator recruitment will start immediately. Collection of models will begin in March 2023. Data collection and analysis are intended to be completed by December 2023. At that point collaborative manuscript development and publication will commence.





The project is expected to result in a number of international and national publications.  The PIs will be responsible for coordinating writing on international publications. All team members who contribute to these publications will be acknowledged as coauthors.


Team members will coordinate the writing of nationally focused publications in their home countries.  All collaborators who contribute data and/or analysis will be acknowledged as coauthors.


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