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Confluent Transitional Conuseling and guidance Model for the Ethical Sense of Life. (2023)

Confluent Transitional Counseling and guidance Model

 for the Ethical  Meaning of Life. (2023)



Amilkar A. Brunal[1]

Some of the authors who have written about Confluent Transitional Orientation are:

Amilkar A. Brunal, Josè Nava Ortiz, Silvia Gabriela Vázquez, Sherly Osorio León, Carlos Borja, Julio González Bello and Miguel Carbajal Arregui¹²³. Members of the Latin American Network of Guidance Professionals (RELAPRO), which is the entity that proposes this pedagogical model of Educational Guidance with an existential approach and an interdisciplinary epistemological basis.

The Confluent Transitional Guidance for the Ethical Meaning of Life, is an educational and existential-Guidance[2] model, that look for facilitate the construction of an ethical meaning of Life in students and educational communities.

This model is based on the ethics of the ancestral cultures of America and Africa such as culture “Abya –Yala” (nosotric cultures) and “UBUNTU” (I am because I belong), The Manfred Max-Neef's theory of development on a human scale, The Winnicott's concept of transitionality, and Socratic maieutic pedagogy.


The method is applied emphasizing the relevant transitional academic moments and spaces of academic and social life in the educational communities with which we work.

The principle of confluence consists in that all the human actions of the Educational Guidance, converge towards human development from one of the three lines of the model: Social, Personal or academic Development.

This model contemplates three main areas: community life, academic life and academic-professional life.

Confluent Guidance (O.T.C) is an educational Guidance proposal that seeks to aboard the totality of the human being, considering at the same time and in equal magnitude all possible areas of Guidance.

According to Max Neef, the realization of human needs is essential to guarantee the well-being and development of individuals and communities². This author proposes that fundamental human needs are few, finite and classifiable into nine axiological categories: Subsistence,protection, affection, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity and freedom(Brunal 2015 adds the need for Communication.

These needs do not have a hierarchy like the one proposed by Maslow, but are complementary and can be carried out simultaneously in different ways (satisfiers) depending on the context and culture.

The Confluent Transitional Counseling (O.T.C) is applied through pedagogical strategies that facilitate the construction of an ethical  meaning of Life in students and formal and non-formal educational communities (Example: prison or hospital environment).

Regarding the conceptualization of "life" as a transcendental phenomenon par excellence, principles of the philosophy of “José Ortega y Gasset” are applied, he focused on the study of human life and its realization (Raciovitalism), and considers the " Life", as the "radical reality" and reason as one of its essential components.

Some key concepts of his philosophy are “perspectivism”, which affirms that there are no absolute truths but points of view about reality³, the “circumstance”, which is the environment that conditions the human being and that must be saved to achieve its authenticity¹ , and the "vocation", which is the call to carry out the vital project of each one according to their aptitudes and preferences. (Ortega y Gasset).


The O.T.C model develops three lines of action:

1.Guidance for community life”,

2. "Guidance for academic life" and

3. "Guidance for personal life". These lines seek to facilitate the construction of an ethical meaning of Life in students and educational communities, based on the integration of existential dimensions (To Have, To Do and To Be).

Fundamental human needs (Max-Neef) and ethical principles of the ancestral cultures (Abya-Yala and Ubuntu).

This model is applied through pedagogical strategies such as Socratic maieutics, teaching for understanding, meaningful learning and conceptual pedagogy consolidated in the Pedagogical Method:”Sinapsis”, created by Mg.Katia Conrado and M.S.C Amilkar A. Brunal (2015).


Model utilities

This Guidance model has several benefits for students, such as:

- It helps them to develop their community, intrapersonal and interpersonal awareness, which allows them to have a better relationship with themselves and with others.

- It facilitates the construction of their ethical meaning of Life, understood as the purpose or reason for existing that gives them well-being and happiness.

- It offers them tools to fulfill their axiological-existential needs, such as: subsistence, protection, love, understanding, participation, recreation, creation, recreation, identity and freedom.

- Provides guidance in each transitional stage that allows them to adapt to the changes and challenges that arise in their personal, academic and professional life.

- It allows them to know and appreciate the cultural and ethical diversity of the different regions and peoples of Latin America and the world.




80 frases de José Ortega y Gasset para entender su filosofía.


Diferencias Entre Maslow y Manfred Max Neef | Monografías Plus.

 Filosofía de José Ortega y Gasset - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.

Hacia un nuevo paradigma en Orientación vocacional - SciELO.

Hacia un nuevo paradigma en Orientación vocacional - SciELO.

 La filosofía de José Ortega y Gasset - resumen - Unprofesor.

Las transiciones educativas. Necesidades de un proceso de Orientación ....

 Modelo de Orientación Transicional Confluente para el ... - Blogger.


Necesidades fundamentales de Max-Neef: ¿Qué son? - PsicoActiva.

Necesidades fundamentales de Max-Neef: ¿Qué son? -PsicoActiva.

Necesidades humanas fundamentales de Manfred Max-Neef.

Necesidades y satisfactores humanos a través de Max Neef.

ORIENTACCION 2018 Orientación Transicional para El Sentido de ... - Scribd.


Ortega y Gasset: el raciovitalismo (

Postulados Fundamentales del Modelo Latinoamericano de “Orientación ....

Que es raciovitalismo | Wiki Filosofía (

Red Latinoamericana de Profesionales de la Orientación.

Red Latinoamericana de Profesionales de la Orientación.

Revista Latinoamericana de Orientación y Desarrollo Humano ... - Issuu.

Revista Latinoamericana de Orientación y Desarrollo Humano ... - Issuu.

Revista Latinoamericana de Orientación y Desarrollo Humano ... - Issuu.

SALUD Mental desde la “Orientación Transicional Confluente para el ....

Una Orientación sin apellidos" (sobre la Orientación confluente I).

Raciovitalismo - Encyclopaedia Herder (




[1] Amilkar A. Brunal, is a psychologist graduated from the "Konrad Lorenz" University of Bogotá, specialist in Educational Guidance and Human Development from the "El Bosque" University of Bogotá (2001), Educational Counselor in schools linked to the Secretary of Education of Bogotá since 1994 and Master in Interdisciplinary Social Research graduated from the "Francisco José de Caldas" District University (2008). Author of books Transitional Guidance 1.0 (2014). "When Men Speak" and co-author of: "Role and Sense of Educational Guidance in Colombia." Co-editor of the Latin American journal of Guidance and Human Development: "OrientAcción" of the Latin American Network of guidance professionals (Relapro) for the period [2018-2021]. Co-author of the "Sinapsis" pedagogical method (2015). He currently works as an Interdisciplinary Social Researcher in the areas of: Sexuality, Contemporary Pedagogies and Existential Educational . ORCIDCurriculum Vitae. Amilkar Brunal . WSP: (057) 317 438 28 82

[2] Guidance Educational. Interdisciplinary field of human sciences [Educational Sciences: Philosophy, Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy), Social Sciences (Sociology, Social Work) and Health Sciences: (Psychology, Language/Occupational Therapies)], whose main objective and object of This study consists of critical pedagogical advice to the fundamental axiological-existential phenomenon: "Construction of the Interpersonal, academic-labor and community Sense of Life" and can be applied in the fields: educational, clinical, labor and community.


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